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Do You Need Concealed Carry Insurance?

If you’ve recently completed a concealed carry permit training course in Virginia, or obtained your CCW permit, you’ve probably heard of concealed carry insurance. But what exactly is CCW insurance, and do you need it?

Currently, concealed carry insurance isn’t required in Virginia or any other state, but if you shoot someone in self-defense, not having coverage can put you at significant financial risk.

What is Concealed Carry Insurance?

While most gun owners hope they never need to use their firearm in self-defense, those who do can be arrested, held in jail, and face a criminal investigation, as well as civil court proceedings.

Concealed carry insurance is a type of liability coverage designed to provide legal protection in the event that you use your firearm in self-defense. Also known as self-defense liability insurance, concealed carry insurance helps cover the cost of an attorney and other legal fees, as well as bail or bond, should you use your firearm to defend yourself, family or home.

What Does Concealed Carry Insurance Cover?

Coverage varies depending on the insurance company and policy, but most concealed carry insurance policies offer the following coverage.

Bond – The insurance company arranges for bail to be posted after you are charged with shooting someone. It protects you from being held in jail during the pre-trial period, allowing you to be released immediately after booking and minimizing the impact on your life, job, etc.

Criminal Defense Fees – The insurance company provides for an immediate retainer to an attorney, or access to an attorney employed by or affiliated with the insurance provider to help cover the legal costs of defending yourself in criminal court, which can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Civil Liability Costs – The insurance company covers civil defense legal fees, and typically includes substantial provisions in the event that you lose the case and are mandated to pay a settlement to the aggressor or their surviving family.

What are the Limitations of Concealed Carry Coverage?

Similar to homeowner’s insurance and other types of insurance policies, concealed carry insurance has some exclusions and limitations.

Under the Influence – Most insurance companies will not cover or represent a defendant who can be proven to have been intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the firearm was used, even if it is a clear case of self-defense.

Premeditated Crimes – If the evidence does not support self-defense, for instance, if the prosecution has enough evidence to charge you with a premeditated crime, such as first-degree murder, most insurance companies will not cover you.

Liability Limits – Most insurance policies have a liability limit, or a maximum dollar amount, on the policy coverage. If your legal fees or the settlement amount in a civil case exceed the liability limit, you will be responsible for the additional costs.

State Laws – While concealed carry insurance is legal in Virginia and 46 other states, as of July 2024, New York, New Jersey and Washington do not allow coverage for self-defense incidents. If you live in one of these states, it does not make sense to purchase CCW insurance.

Concealed Carry Insurance in Hampton Roads, VA

If you’re considering concealed carry insurance in Hampton Roads, VA, it’s worth checking out the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA). The USCCA maintains concealed carry insurance coverage, and all USCCA members are named as additional insureds on the policy.

For more information on the USCCA’s Self-Defense Insurance Liability benefit, visit the USCCA Membership page. You can also learn more about the laws governing the legal use of force in Virginia, and how prosecutors and jurors evaluate a claim of self-defense, in our Legal Use of Force class.

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