NEW!! Class for our Spanish Speaking Friends on October 6!

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Concealed Carry Training & Certification Courses

Every handgun owner is different, which is why Piece Be With You offers a variety of CCW courses for all types of students. Our personalized approach to firearm safety has earned us a reputation as one of the best concealed carry permit training companies in Williamsburg VA and the surrounding areas.

In addition to our Virginia Concealed Carry Permit Class, we offer a Virginia & Utah Concealed Carry Permit Class, which certifies participants to apply for CCW permits in both states. We also offer Women-Only Concealed Carry Classes, and Continuing Education Classes on developing a home protection plan, legal use of force and defensive shooting fundamentals.  

Our Concealed Carry Permit Classes are held throughout the month at locations in Williamsburg, Richmond, Newport News, Glen Allen, Toano, Lanexa and Gloucester VA. For those who are legally obligated to meet a court-ordered date for certification, or anyone who needs immediate certification or is simply unable to attend a scheduled class, we also offer On-Demand Concealed Carry Permit Classes.

VIRGINIA / UTAH Class Fee = $95/person, fingerprinting card included | VIRGINIA Class Fee = $75/person

Below are the Class Types We offer


Virginia / Utah

Our classes satisfy the Virginia & Utah Handgun License Training Requirements. Upon completion, you will be able to apply for BOTH permits. Class is approximately 4 hours.


Virginia Only

This class satisfies the Virginia concealed handgun permit training requirements. Upon completion, you will be able to apply for the Virginia permit. Class is approximately 2 hours.


Mama Bear (Women Only)

If you’re looking to join other women in learning the basics about firearms, this women’s handgun class is for you.



We now offer custom on-demand classes to fit your busy schedule. This class is for people who need a certification right now. VA permit only.

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